Life & Faith

Because god called,
and I answered him,
I live by his mercy
by his patience,
in the stream of his creation
and by the power of his truth.
This life has an end set by time
but no visible
boundaries to me.

As I fell without halt into an abyss of destruction,
the voice of Jesus reached me,
and, without halt again, I ascended,
to the light of glory
that had called to me.

Because the voice of Jesus did not vain
but becomes present
in the listening and the silence of faith,
I believe
the closeness, the clarity and the precision of the voice of Jesus.
I believe it today.
I believe the prayer of Jesus.
I believe the power of his elevation.
I believe, that in him
the Suffering
and the conflicts of this world
are recognized, reconciled and set aside.
I believe the incorruptibility of Jesus.
I believe,

I believe that the one only light will break through
and shine on all nations on earth.
Within it I believe the love of the one whom I call father.
I believe his continuous and immeasurable doing
in the evolution of his creation – since the beginning.
I believe his all-embracing communion
with everything that was created in this universe.
I believe this communion solely in god himself.

I believe in the entrance into a life, that will come
but already is,
inconceivable and indescribable.
I believe the power of god’s blessings,
of god’s truth
and of god’s light.
I believe You, inmost centre of all things.
I believe You beyond all horizons.
I believe You through all names and invocations.
I believe You, the one and only

(Excerpt of a confession in the book “Dialog aus Glauben” page 257 pp)